Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Yesterday's episode "Monsters in the end"

What did you guys think about yesterday's episode " Monsters in the end"

- Caleb leaving for Arizona
- Spencer trapped in a small sylinder thing in the Fun House
- "A" sending Spencer a text saying that it's Toby
- Aria finding out about the picture of Ezra and Jackie
- Mona ripping a note that was for Hanna
- Emily meets a new friend
and more

Now let's play a little game: Match the actor with who said the following quotes

  1. He doesn’t need an invitation–he broke into a vending machine with a spork!”
  2. In picture number three, they were licking each other’s gelato.”
  3. Fool me once? Shame on you. Fool my best friend? You’re dead meat.”
  4. I am helping. I’m making sure you don’t host a pity party and invite a cheesecake.”
  5. That was then. You are very much now.”

Now as we all know next week is the Season Finale of  Pretty Little Liars

Heres a little sneak peak for next week's episode:

The Pretty Little Liars cast wasn’t kidding when they said the season finale will be “epic.” As the four girls try to figure out who “A” is, it’s only fitting that they’ll face serious consequences.

Lucy Hale also revealed that she or one of her best friends will be in danger during the PLL finale. Lucy explained, “One of the four of us falls off a bell tower!" We’re assuming that “A” will push one of the little liars, because "A'"s pretty violent and even ran Hanna over during the mid-season finale.

Who do you think gets pushed off the bell tower? Leave your answer in the comment box!

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