Saturday, August 6, 2011

Recap on ep: 208 "Save The Date"

  1. Hanna discovers that the mysterious vehicle that she’s been spotting around town is actually someone who has in for Caleb. She assumes it’s a detective. However, Hanna’s lost Caleb once and she’s not ready to lose him again so she does what any amazing girlfriend would do—she slips on a scarf and a pair of oversized shades, and drives Caleb to a secure location to let him in on the stalker scoop. Caleb reveals that he’s not going to run away and that if the cops want to talk with him, he’s present and ready. They then kiss and all is well. (All’s well and cute in Haleb land but major question—did anyone else think that Caleb and Hanna were going to unearth some disturbing evidence at the Hastings lake house and were shocked when they didn’t?!)
  2. Emily has been suffering from side-splitting pain since ep 2.07. However, it is isn’t until she collapses in extreme agony in her school’s hallway that anyone bothers taking any action. (Ironically, it’s Officer Garrett who puts in the 9-1-1 call.) Emily is rushed to the hospital, where the docs inform her that she has an ulcer. (And, no Hannakins, it’s not just an old person’s disease.) Em thinks the ulcer was caused by all the mayhem and drama. WRONG! Surprise surprise, A’s behind this little emergency room run–the bitch injected HGM (human growth hormone) into Em’s creams and pumped Rosewood’s finest swimmer on steroids. (A step too far, A, a freakin’ step too far!) 
  3. Aria is acting super weird around Ezra, and actually lies to him. Ezra’s going out of his way to hang out with her (which is unusual considering he’s all about maintaining a covert relationship) but Aria’s giving him the cold shoulder. And, when Jason DiLaurentis rings her up, she all too quickly excuses herself and claims it’s her dad, Byron. Is Aria falling for bad boy Jason? Hot damn!

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