personally I thought that the characters seemed different this season then last season. Especially Emily and aria. They were to cheesy and Emily Seemed to be having a tough time playing her role. I have a few questions to elaborate on right now, but if anyone has more questions, or responses to mine, just comment in the box below.
1. What do you think the purpose of the scene in the bathroom with Aria? Was she hallucinating? Did she get to see the face? Was it the new A?
2. Who do you think was calling Spenser with the 'Unknown' number and what do you think they told her?
3. What do you all think happened to Emily? Will they give in to the police. Or even get caught?
4. Does anyone think that Garret is telling the truth about the body? Do you think it was the new A who Did it?
5. What was A talking about in her text at the very end? " Mona played with dolls. i play with body parts"
6. Did you like the girls haircuts?? I didn't like Emily's she looked like she had it dip dyed and feathered. and i also did not like arias to much. But Spenser and Hannah looked great!
ONLY FANS THAT HAVE READ ALL OF THE BOOKS OR KNOW WHAT HAPPENS.Do any of you think that the new A is Courtney/ Ali like in the books, or do you think that the Show will just fuck it up again and make it some rando.